Mt. Diablo Boulevard
Lafayette, CA

Project Description
In the spirit of increasing housing density in Lafayette, PSR West Coast Builders in tandem with Coast Architecture and BASE Landscape aims to redevelop an existing office building and parking lot site just east of downtown into rental units for 9 families.
The proposed architecture consists of two 3-story high buildings with enclosed parking for each apartment, including a corner live-work unit at street level. The building is situated within the site to allow for a central pedestrian and vehicular alleyway, and a publicly accessible parklet at the corner of Mt. Diablo Blvd. and Second Street.
The parklet receives southern exposure, and is designed to accommodate fixed and flexible seating for small groups of people. Sturdy but visually transparent structures will allow for display of art and craft wares from the live-work unit resident, and native planting will soften the edges and provide a buffer between the semi-public space and the units.
Entrances to the four apartments along Mt. Diablo Blvd. will have patios large enough for a couple of seats each, and will be buffered from the street by low fences and planting, serving both visual enhancement and rain water filtration purposes. Bike parking will be provided along the calmer Second Street, and residents will also make use of a fenced off pet relief area on the west side of the site. Five families in units along Orchard Hill Court will enjoy private back yards.
The project proposal is currently under review with City Planning.
client. PSR West Coast Builders
team. BASE Landscape Architecture
Coast Architecture
year completed. Ongoing