Capitola Manor
Capitola, CA

Image: FORA Architecture
Project Description
Working with FORA Architects for MidPen Housing, BASE developed the landscape entitlement plans for Capitola Manor, a 100% affordable housing development in the coastal town of Capitola, California.
The proposed development of four small buildings is organized around two outdoor courtyards that BASE envisioned as complementary “front yard” and “backyard” spaces. The landscape plan balances the need for spaces with high social interaction and visibility with more intimate zones of security and privacy. With much of the ground floor units reserved for residents with mobility impairments, the site plan is focused on safe and easy access to services, parking, transit, and a future rail-to-trail development adjacent to the property.
Throughout the schematic design process, BASE provided support to MidPen with community engagement efforts. BASE also successfully advocated for as much open space as possible and created a landscape design that is delightful and comfortable for residents of all ages and abilities.
Now BASE is working on the 100% DD set.
client. MidPen Housing
team. BASE Landscape Architecture
FORA Architecture & Planning
year completed. Ongoing
size. 2 acres
scope. Concept, DD, CD